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Police Arrested Group Men Claimed to be Members of Biafran Wanted to Declare Biafra in Enugu State

Police Arrested Group Men Claimed to be Members of Biafran Wanted to Declare Biafra in Enugu State

Leader of the Biafra group Onwuka (left) and other members being paraded by the police...
A photo of the Biafra Zionist Movement members, BZM, led by Barrister Benjamin Onwuka, who yesterday launched an attack on the Enugu State Broadcasting Service, ESBS, has been released.

According to reports,  Onwuka, a United Kingdom-based lawyer, armed with a CD Rom for a broadcast to declare a “Republic of Biafra”, had yesterday, as early as 4:30am, sneaked his members, numbering about 20, into the premises of the radio station where he intended to broadcast the rebirth of the Republic of Biafra.

They had chased out the security men and entered the studio where they met a handful of employees who were on night shift. But because the radio station was going through challenges, every gadget was switched off. They were on the verge of forcing some technical employees to switch on the gadgets when they were stopped by a four-man police patrol team who stormed the scene. A gun battle ensued and in the process, a police sergeant and a member of the group lost their lives while a police inspector was injured.

Police sources said Onwuka and 12 members of his group who were paraded were arrested by a team of security operatives who gave them a hot chase while they were trying to escape into Independence Layout of the Coal City.

It would be recalled that same group had claimed responsibility for the attack on Government House, Enugu on March 8 holding the place to ransom for nearly four hours.
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