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78-year-old Man Asks 49-year-old Son To Pay Back Bride Price He Paid For His Mother After Discovering He Is Not His Child

78-year-old Man Asks 49-year-old Son To Pay Back Bride Price He Paid For His Mother After Discovering He Is Not His Child

He is now demanding the bride price from Milton since his in-laws are all dead.

A 78-year-old man has been left heartbroken after discovering that his 49-year-old son is not biologically his and is now demanding the bride price he paid for his wife.

Wilson Shirichena from Mhondoro in Zimbabwe who was led to believe that Milton Shirichena was his biological son for the past four decades, is still in shock following the startling discovery.

Local publications reported that Wilson alleged that his supposed “son” Milton got a visit from his real father, who told him he was his son before he died. He is now demanding for the bride price from Milton since his in-laws are all dead.

Wilson said;

“When I was told this, I was utterly heartbroken to find out that my dear wife would hide this from me for 43 years. I now demand that I be paid back my lobola money from Milton since I paid damages which should have been paid by his biological father, who impregnated my wife before we got married.

“My wife is not feeling well. She has a mental illness, and all my in-laws died. So Milton should pay me back my money in his father’s stead.”

Milton however denied allegations that he spoke to his supposed “biological father” when he was still alive.

He said;

"I can’t deny that there are rumours circulating that I am not Wilson’s son, but we have never spoken about it. If he has proof of what he is saying, then he should follow the proper procedures that have to be done than chasing me from the family like a dog. "

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