Stop misinterpreting the word of God,child of satan-Lady blasts Daddy Freeze +he replies

She was angry at him for posting a meme which says drinking beer is part of the recommended way of paying tithe .
He wrote
Hello dingbat,
How am I misinterpreting something written in plain English?
@odusanwoolayinka just called me a son of Satan, see her mouth like Satan's own 😂
Can I call you #DevilMandibles? 👺👹👿😈👽☠️💀👻
What is the spiritual interpretation of sell your tithe and buy beer? Is it sell your tithes and buy your yahoo boy pastor a private jet?
"You blind fools" like Jesus called you in Matthew 23:17, the Bible is written in English all you need is a pastor to confuse you! ~FRZ
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