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19-Year-Old Boy Recounts His Ordeal As Bandits Cut Off His Arm Despite Paying Ransom

19-Year-Old Boy Recounts His Ordeal As Bandits Cut Off His Arm Despite Paying Ransom

 He said the bandits had stormed his community on presidential election day and kidnapped him along with five other villagers.

Zakaria Iliya, a 19-year-old victim of a bandit attack, has recounted how his life took a turn for the worse after he lost his arm, The PUNCH reports.

Zakaria, who returned to his community, Ungwan Gora in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State for herbal treatment, disclosed his nightmare in an interview with THE PUNCH on Tuesday.

He said the bandits had stormed his community on presidential election day and kidnapped him along with five other villagers.

He said, “On the fateful day, while we were at the kidnappers’ den, they asked us to go and fetch water. When we came back, I went to defecate, while I was there, I saw one of the bandits running towards me with a long sharp matchet. He chopped off my arm on the assumption I wanted to escape.

“I saw hell. Blood was gushing out without any help from anybody. The bandits continue beating me mercilessly without being remorseful of my condition.

He added to say, “A sum of N1 million naira was paid as ransom” before he was released.

He said his parents had to struggle to pay the money before they secured his release.

According to him, they’ve so far spent the sum of N200,000 for his treatment in one of the hospitals in Kajuru town.

Zakaria appealed to the government or any philanthropist for the sum of N200,000 to enable settled the remaining hospital bills.

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